Accessing and analyzing your data

Once your data has been organized either into a MongoDB or local file format, you can access streamline and label data to perform all sorts of analyses.

Searching your local datasource

Once the necessary streamline labels and pickle files are in their specified locations, we can begin to search the database.

from dsi2.database.track_datasource import TrackDataSource

# Load the json file to a list of Scan objects
scans = get_local_data("path/to/file.json")

scans will be a list of objects that can be used to select only the data you want for this analysis. It does not load the pkl into memory until you call its get_track_dataset() function. Let’s select only scans from the “example” study and load them into memory.:

example_scans = [ scan for scan in scans if scan.study_id == "example_study" ]
# Use them to build a queryable data source
data_source = TrackDataSource(track_datasets = [scan.get_track_dataset() for scan in scans])

data_source provides an interface to a searchable MNI space. Raw streamlines aren’t particularly useful, so we will create an object that uses this interface to search through and aggregate streamlines.

Searching your MongoDB Datasource

If you’re using the unit testing data, you can access the dsi2_test database after making sure mongod is properly configured and running

from dsi2.database.mongo_track_datasource import MongoTrackDataSource
data_source = MongoTrackDataSource(
      scan_ids = ["0377A", "2843A" ],
      mongo_host = "",
      mongo_port = 27017,

The MongoDB version has a number of advantages. Primarily, it makes concurrency easier and scales much better than the pickle approach. The MongoTrackDataSource class has all the same methods as the pickle version.

Aggregating streamlines based on termination regions

To apply perform the analysis from [1] we need to create an aggregator. An aggregator

  • Subclasses ClusterEditor
  • Overrides the aggregate method
  • operates on a TrackDataSource

For a region-based LTPA, we can create a RegionLabelAggregator that will provide some methods for easily analyzing these streamlines resulting from the search. Suppose we’d like to search a set of coordinates around \((33,54,45)\).:

from dsi2.ltpa import mni_white_matter, run_ltpa
from dsi2.aggregation import make_aggregator
from dsi2.streamlines.track_math import sphere_around_ijk

region_agg = make_aggregator( algorithm="region labels",
                              atlas_scale=60, data_source=data_source)
# create a set of search coordinates
sphere_radius = 2                  # voxels
center_coordinate = (33,54,45)     # in MNI152 i,j,k coordinates
search_coords = sphere_around_ijk(sphere_radius, center_coordinate)

# Query the data source with the coordinates, get new TrackDatasets
query_tracks = data_source.query_ijk(search_coords, fetch_streamlines=False)

# Feed the query results to the aggregator

# which regions pairs were found and how many streamlines to each?
conn_ids, connection_vectors = region_agg.connection_vector_matrix()

# if running an interactive ipython session, plot it

conn_ids is a list of connections (regionA, regionB) found that pass through the search coordinates. If there are \(n\) individuals in the TrackDataSource and \(m\) elements in conn_ids, then connection_vectors will be an \(n \times m\) matrix where row \(i\) column \(j\) contains the streamline count connection region pair math:j in subject \(i\)‘s data.

Running a whole-brain LTPA

The code above is tedious and would take a long time to loop over the whole brain. It is much more convenient to use the run_ltpa() function. Here is an example script that performs a simple whole-brain ltpa. It requires a description of an aggregator.

Create a dictionary containing all the information necessary to construct an aggregator for your analysis function. It works this way instead of by directly creating an Aggregator object because run_ltpa constructs a new Aggregator inside each independent process it launches.

The dictionary must contain at least the key “algorithm”, which can be one of { “region labels”, “k-means”, “quickbundles”}. The rest of the keys are sent as keyword arguments to make_aggregator().

When run_ltpa is looping over coordinates, result of a spatial query is sent to an instance of the aggregator. The aggregator’s aggregate() method is called for each TrackDataset returned from the query, then the aggregator is sent to whichever function you provided to run_ltpa.

NOTE: If you select the “region labels” aggregator, then you won’t have access to the streamline objects. To access streamlines, choose “k-means” or “quickbundles”.

agg_args = {
          "algorithm":"region labels",

You will also need to define a function that will extract the information you care about from the aggregator.:

def get_n_streamlines(aggregator):
    This function should be replaced with a function that accepts a single argument,
    does something, then returns the results you care about.

    This particular function calculates the mean number of streamlines observed
    in each subject and returns this value and its standard deviation across all
    subjects.  We used this to calculate how many streamlines pass through each voxel
    then compared this number to how many real axons are known to pass through a voxel
    (based on electron microscopy).

    NOTE: you can access streamlines directly by the aggregator's ``track_sets``
    attribute, which is a list of TrackDataset objects.  Each will have a ``.tracks``
    attribute containing the numpy array of streamline coordinates.  Again, in this
    case ``.tracks`` will be empty because we are using a region label aggregator.
    conn_ids, cvec_mat = aggregator.connection_vector_matrix()
    # The "region labels" aggregator has a ``connection_vector_matrix()``
    # function, which returns a list of all connections observed going through
    # the query coordinates (``conn_ids``) and a matrix where each row is a
    # subject and column is ea connection.
    sl_counts = cvec_mat.sum(1)
    # Sums across all connections for each subject
    return sl_counts.mean(), sl_counts.std()

The variable mni_white_matter contains the coordinates inside of FSL’s MNI 2mm white matter mask. We can split up these coordinates across a number of processes. Here we use two processors.

results = run_ltpa(get_n_streamlines, data_source=data_source,
                   aggregator_args=agg_args, radius=2,
                   n_procs=2, search_centers=mni_white_matter)

For each coordinate in mni_white_matter a tuple is stored in results that contains the mean streamline count and its standard deviation. You can make the analysis function return as much data as you’d like. It will always contain results in the same order as the coordinates specified in search_centers.


[1]Cieslak, M., & Grafton, S.T. Local termination pattern analysis: a tool for comparing white matter morphology. Brain Imaging Behav, DOI 10.1007/s11682-013-9254-z (2013).