Creating a streamline aggregator =================================== There are many ways to group streamlines. Streamlines can be labeled based on which brain regions they connect, such as a :pyclass:`~dsi2.aggregation.region_labeled_clusters.RegionLabelAggregator`. Or they can be grouped based on the similarity of their morphology, such as with a QuickBundlesAggregator. One of the advantages of using DSI2 is that you can test out a custom clustering algorithm on any part of the brain while interactively changing the parameters of your algorithm. Here we'll build a new Aggregator from scratch. * Subclasses :py:class:`~dsi2.aggregation.cluster_ui.ClusterEditor` * Overrides the ``aggregate`` method * operates on a :py:class:`~dsi2.database.track_datasource.TrackDataSource` Defining the Aggregator class ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Defining algorithm parameters as traits """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The UI and event listening functionality for Aggregators is inherited from the :pyclass:`~dsi2.aggregation.cluster_ui.ClusterEditor`. Whichever parameters will be needed by your aggregation algorithm should be defined as Traits in the class. :: from dsi2.aggregation.cluster_ui import ClusterEditor from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from dipy.tracking.metrics import downsample from traits.api import Float, Int, Enum from traitsui.api import Item, View, Group import numpy as np class KMeansAggregator(ClusterEditor): k = Int(3, label="Epsilon", desc="How many groups should the streamlines be grouped into? ", parameter=True) The parameter of the k-means algorithm is attached to the class as Traits with some special metadata. It is crucial that ``parameter=True`` is passed to each of these Trait definitions so that ``ClusterEditor`` knows to update its streamline labeling if the value gets changed in the UI. Specifying the GUI editors for your aggregator """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" The ``ClusterEditor`` superclass looks for a variable in its subclasses called ``algorithm_widgets``. Editor widgets from TraitsUI are defined in ``algorithm_widgets``. :: class KMeansAggregator(ClusterEditor): ... algorithm_widgets = Group( Item("k") ) More advanced editors can be specified, but for now we'll just use the default editors provided by TraitsUI. Overriding the ``.aggregate()`` method """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" To fit the streamline data into groups, we must override the ``.aggregate()`` method. This method should expect a single ``TrackDataset`` as its argument. We will access its ``.tracks`` property and apply some transformation that turns an arbitrarily shaped streamline into a feature vector that k-means can use. Here we will copy DSI Studio's clustering and extract the following features: the first, middle and last coordinate and the length of each streamline form a 10-feature vector. :: def aggregate(self, track_dataset): """ An example implementation of the k-means algorithm implemented in DSI Studio. This function is automatically applied to all TrackDatasets returned from a query. Parameters: ----------- track_dataset:dsi2.streamlines.track_dataset.TrackDataset """ # extract the streamline data tracks = track_dataset.tracks # Make a matrix of downsampled streamlines points = np.array([ downsample(trk, n_pol=3).flatten() \ for trk in tracks]) # Calculate the length of each streamline lengths = np.array([len(trk) for trk in tracks]).reshape(-1,1) # Concatenate the points and the track lengths features = np.hstack((points, lengths)) # Initialize the k-means algorithm kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=self.k, compute_labels=True) # Return the labels return kmeans.labels_ That's all there is to it! Exploring your aggregator in realtime ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With the aggregator class defined, we can begin applying it to streamlines. Let's create a data source, an aggregator, and set up a sphere browser to use them :: from dsi2.database.mongo_track_datasource import MongoTrackDataSource from dsi2.ui.sphere_browser import SphereBrowser # Only select a single scan from the test data test_subject = [ "0377A" ] data_source = MongoTrackDataSource( scan_ids = test_subject, mongo_host = "", mongo_port = 27017, db_name="dsi2_test" ) kmeans_agg = KMeansAggregator() browser = SphereBrowser(track_source=data_source, aggregator=kmeans_agg) browser.edit_traits()